Insight: Vision of Vanguards

Upon entering the museum, visitors can watch the video "Insight: Vision of Vanguards", which tells the story of how Sun Yun-Suan established ITRI, laying a solid foundation for Taiwan's early economy. In 1971, Taiwan, officially the Republic of China (ROC), was expelled from the United Nations. Additionally, Japan and the United States also broke off diplomatic ties with the ROC in 1972 and 1978, respectively. This, coupled with increasing wages in domestic labor-intensive industries and other issues, began to have a negative effect on Taiwan’s international competitiveness. After realizing that Taiwan was falling behind, the then-Minister of Economic Affairs, Sun Yun-Suan, championed the technological transformation of the Taiwanese economy. To achieve the goal, he merged three main institutes, the Union Industrial Research Institute, the Union Mining Research Institute, and the Metal Industry Research Institute, into the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), a foundation that operates independently from government. On August 10th, 1972, the draft Industrial Technology Research Institute Establishment Act was submitted to the Legislative Yuan, sparking a heated debate. After Sun Yun-Suan provided multiple explanations to the public, the Legislative Yuan finally passed the Act on January 25th, 1973. On July 5th of the same year, ITRI was formally founded. Video length: 2'4''

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